BADASSCAPS.COM 1695 Noonans Trail Harrison MI 48625
EMAIL: [email protected] We are here to provide the best welder caps on the job site.Hello I,m glad your here My name is Grace McNamara the owner of Badasscaps.com. I would like to start off by telling you that my husband is a member in good standing of the plumbers local union # 98. We are located just outside of Detroit Michigan. We have great respect for all welders and workers who will be bringing our products out and into the work site. We understand that you work hard for your money and that these hats need to get you not only thru the day, but thru the year. That is why I put so much into our products and guarantee you will be happy when you receive your welding hats. If you have any questions I would be pleased to answer them just e-mail me to [email protected]. Thank you from Joe and Grace McNamara |